Ticker Tape > How Do I... >
Add / edit a Site?

Ticker Tape currently supports up to a maximum of 42 Sites, each of which has a related "Message Control File" location where the Agents aligned to that Site will look for Ticker Tape Administrator messages.

Note: Although all 42 Sites can be configured here as described below at any point, whether you can actually send out messages to them in the Administrator software is dependant upon whether you're appropriately licensed. For example, with an unlicensed (free) version, you may configure the details for, say the first 7 Sites, but only be able to send messages out to the first 3 (free) Sites - however, if you subsequently decide to purchase a 7-Site license, the 7 Sites are already configured and immediately available to actively use.

The configuration of all 42 Sites can be viewed or edited via the Configuration dialogue accessible from the main Administrator interface by choosing the Edit > Configuration menu and then selecting the Configuration dialogues' Sites tab.

The upper part of the form displays the (few) settings related to the chosen Site, while the lower part provides some Site specific details to help with installing the Agent software for the workstations that will form part of this particular Site - note that these details are only relevant if you choose not to use Ticker Tape's built-in Agent Maintenance Wizard, relying instead on some other means, such as login scripts or an application deployment tool-set such as Microsoft's SCCM/SMS to install the Agent software. Where the Agent Maintenance Wizard is used, these details can be ignored as the Wizard takes care of the finer points of the Agent installation to the workstations.

Sites configuration pane

Once you've selected the appropriate Site to edit using the vertical scrollbar on the right-hand side of the form, clicking the Edit button allows the detail for the Site to be amended - the fields are;

Once a Site has been appropriately edited, click the Save button to confirm the changes or Cancel to discard them.

Note that changes to the configuration of Ticker Tape are generally only active in the Administrator interface once it has been restarted - where changes are made in the configuration dialogue, clicking the Ok button will prompt you to restart the software so that the configuration changes are active.

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